Monday, September 23, 2019

Newsletter (September 23-27, 2019)

What We Are Learning

Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools Around the World
by Susan Hughes

Spelling/Phonics Skill
*We will begin to replace the weekly spelling test with the phonics test.
Common Final Blends (nd, ng, nk, nt, ft,xt,mp)
next, end, camp, sank, sing, drink, hunt, stand, long, stamp, pond, bring, jump, left, young, friend

Plural Nouns with es and -ies

I can compare and contrast my school to a school from “Off to Class” using details from the text to support my writing. 

Module 3: Comparison of Numbers to 1,000

           Science                                                                                                                Social Studies  
Habitats &  Rules and Laws                                                                       Life Cycles  (Quiz Thurs. Using Text)   

Monday: Reading Passage & Math Sheet

Tuesday: Grammar Sheet, Work on AR, & Math Sheet

Wednesday: S.S. Sheet & Math Sheet

Thursday: Work on AR & Math Sheet

Work on Animal Research Project – Due Tuesday,
Oct. 1st


Important Dates

September 27: Math Hall of Fame Tryouts (for students who make a 100 on the test in the classroom)
October 4: College & Career Friday
October 4: Side-by-Side Concert during the day
October 11: End of Quarter 1
October 14-18: Fall Break
October 21: Red Ribbon Week
October 23: Report Cards Issued
October 24: Read for the Record/Literacy Night/Parent Data Night
October 25: Math Hall of Fame Tryouts / Honors Program
October 27: Trunk or Treat
October 30: Walk-a-Thon Pep Rally


If your child is here each day this week and has no early dismissals or tardies, he/she can be out of uniform next Monday!
We are out of extra snacks. Please send some if you are able. Thanks!

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